Friday, January 20, 2006

A french maid RoomBud? We keep getting people asking for a french maid costume but we don't know what a french maid is. I guess I can guess why people want to dress their Roomba up to be like a french maid because the Roomba is sort of like a maid but why french maid? Time to ask mom and dad.

Monday, January 09, 2006

RoomBuds have invaded ... sort of.

Check out the Official RoomBud Lovers Forum up on For all those RoomBud lovers, we finally have a place to hang out and chat. Propose a new RoomBud charater, dis an existing one, or just say Hi. We look forward to seeing everyone there.


Tyler, Niles, Isabelle, and Griffin
The RoomBud Crew

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year to All! 2006 started out with a bang. Two of the most requested RoomBuds have been added: Roobit the Frog and Slops the Pig. To help the migration of the RoomBuds, we openned up shop on making it that much easier to pick up all your Roomba essentials all at on place, new Roomba for Mom, Roomba batteries for Dad, a couple of virtual walls for brother Bill, a Scooba for Aunt May, and of course lots and lots of RoomBuds for everyone.

Later all.

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