Monday, March 13, 2006

Sunday Paper - Front page business section - big pictures - life is good

So the article starts out like this:

"Griffin is six years old, and he's already COO of a company that's raked in thousands of dollars in revenue. So, what are you doing with your life?"

Last week we had Tom Spoth and Jon Hill from the Lowell Sun newspaper come to the myRoomBud factory for an interview. We had a great time talking about the company and they asked some great questions. If you have a chance to see the real newspaper, there are some nice big pictures of us in it. Thanks Tom and Jon!

Full article

As we hit 100 RoomBud costumes, we are closing in on having 100% ( well actually just 0.007% ) of the iRobot Roombas not have to run around Naked!

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